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URL shortening services help to generate a shorter URL which is a great convenience when sharing it via email or posting on social media. Google launched a URL shortener called in December 2009 which is initially used for Google Toolbar and Feedburner, then later launched a separate website in September 2010. It was a groundbreaking service that quickly gained a lot of popularity. However, in March 2018, Google discontinued the service and stopped accepting new registrations. This article explains what was and why did Google stop it? Let’s find out. URL Shortener: Why Did Google Stop It?

What’s is a URL shortener by Google and launched in 2009. It was used to shorten any URL which allows the users to share the link easily, and it also provides tracking capabilities. also offers a statistic dashboard that shows how many times a URL has been clicked, as well as the referrers and countries where the clicks came from.

Why did Google stop

On March 30, 2018, Google announced it will be discontinuing its URL shortening service According to Google, the decision to discontinue was based on a few factors. Importantly, they are focusing on a new technology called Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL) which will offer a better solution for many uses cases, especially for the users to access the web through apps or mobile devices and that's likely why the company has chosen to focus its efforts on this new technology.

What are Firebase Dynamic Links?

Firebase Dynamic Links are smart links or dynamic links that work the same way as any other link, with one key difference: they allow you to send users to specific content within an app, regardless of whether or not the app is installed on their device.

Firebase Dynamic Links are designed to create a more seamless experience for users, regardless of whether they are on a desktop computer, mobile phone, or tablet. They also allow you to deep-link directly into app content. They provide detailed analytics about user activity that can help you measure the success of your marketing campaigns.

In order for a Firebase Dynamic Link to work, you first need to create a project in the Firebase console and configure it for your iOS and Android apps. Once that's done, you can create dynamic links from within the console or use one of the compatible SDKs. You can learn more about Firebase Dynamic Link here.

Firebase Dynamic Links vs

The main difference between the two is that Firebase Dynamic Links allow you to create links that are redirected to different content, depending on the user's platform or device. For example, you could create a link that would redirect Android users to one page, and iOS users to another., on the other hand, simply shortened the URL without any additional features. This can be useful if you want to track how many people are clicking on a particular link but doesn't provide much else in terms of flexibility. alternatives

If you need a alternative, there are other URL shortening services available. Here are some alternatives to consider: is a URL shortening service that allows users to shorten, track, and share links. The service is free to use and available online. Users can create an account to access additional features such as Custom Domains, Statistics, and APIs. is a URL shortening service from Hootsuite. You need to sign up for the Hootsuite account and you can access their URL shortener from the dashboard. It is also useful for creating clean and memorable links for marketing campaigns or other purposes.


TinyURL is a URL shortening service. It allows you to shrink long URLs down to just a few characters, making them easier to share on the web. When you go to, you can enter any long URL and it will automatically create a shortened version for you to use.


Sniply is a URL shortening service that allows you to add a call-to-action to any page you share. With Sniply, you can prompt your readers to take action even after they've left your site. When someone clicks on your shared link, they'll see your message and be prompted to take action. You can use Sniply to promote your own content, products, or services. Since Sniply URLs are shorter than traditional links, they're perfect for sharing on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.


Rebrandly is a URL shortening service that allows you to customize the links you create. Unlike other URL shortening services, Rebrandly gives you the ability to choose custom domains for your links, so they can be more branded and memorable. In addition, Rebrandly provides detailed analytics so you can track how your links are performing.


What is URL Shortneing?

URL shortening is a technique employed on the web to make long URLs easier to share, tweet, or email to friends. Typically, a URL shortener will take a long URL and create a shorter URL that redirects to the longer one. This can be especially useful when posting links on social media networks that have character limits.

There are many different URL shorteners available, but the most popular ones are and

Why was URL shortening discontinued?

In March 2018, Google announced that it will be discontinuing its URL shortening service, Google has discontinued its shortener service and is urging users to switch over to its Firebase Dynamic Links product. was launched in 2009 as a way to make it easier for people to share links, but Google says that Firebase Dynamic Links offer more flexibility and are a better option for most users.


Google has discontinued the URL Shortener. This means that it's no longer possible to create new links with the service. If you still need a style URL shortener, you can use one of the alternatives listed above. The service was popular, and it was easy to use. But there are other URL shortening services that might be better suited to your needs.

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